Dear Sisters and Dear Brothers
Today’s challenges make it possible for everyone to join in the mission of helping refugees from Ukraine.
As the “Come” Foundation (Polish: Fundacja „Przyjdź”), noticing the needs, we ask for your help.
We organize:
1) Roof over the head. We are looking for an apartment/house for several refugees from Ukraine.
(Krakow in Poland +20km radius).
2) Clothing, Food – If you have any donations to give: food, cleaning supplies, clothing, equipment such as washing machine/fridge/oven, etc. Such donations will help furnish the apartment/reception site for refugees.
We are constantly updating the list of needs.
Please let us know if you can donate something:
3) Do you have a 5-person car or of higher capacity at your disposal? Can you help? Do you have time?
When? How many people can you carry?
Write to us
4) Volunteering? Are you young in body and/or in spirit and would like to dedicate your time to organise event from distance?
Please write to us:
(As the “Come” Foundation we can verify your involvement in volunteering with the appropriate certificate ).
5) Purchase of products from our “Come” Foundation store
Part of the income since 24.02.2022 we’re dedicating to helping Ukraine.
6) PR: Please forward this e-mail, also like us on facebook
7) Can you support the activities financially? Please make donations to the foundation’s account:
Fundacja „Przyjdź” ul. Węgierska 7, 30-535 Kraków, Polska
Nr Konta: 53 1750 0012 0000 0000 4091 7338 Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas
With a note: statutory activities of the foundation – Ukraine
Euro account (transfers in the Euro currency):
Number IBAN
PL21 1600 1462 1079 5879 1000 0001
Help for Ukraine
We’ll keep in touch,
“Come” Foundation
Any questions to:
or at the phone number +48 575 573 408 (in Polish)
For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat;
I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink; I was a
stranger, and you took me in:
Naked, and you covered me: sick, and you
visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me.
Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one
of these my least brethren, you did it to me.
Matthew 25:35-36,40